



1.      Manufacturing Planning and Control - Beyond MRP II , Paul Higgins, Patrick Leroy and Liam Tierney (Chapman & Hall 1996)

2.      Planning for Manufacturing Excellence, John W. Toomey (Chapman & Hall 1996)

3.      Factory Physics – Foundations of Factory Management, Wallace J. Hopp & Mark L. Spearman

4.      Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems, Vollmann, Berry & Whybark (Business One Irwin, 3rd Edition 1992)

5.      Advanced Manufacturing Systems Edited by R.D. Eanes (IFS 1989)

6.      MRP II: Making it Happen, Thomas F. Wallace (Oliver Wight Ltd. Publications1990)

7.      A study of the Toyota Production System, Shingo

8.      The Goal, Goldratt, North River Press

9.      Lean Thinking, James Womack and Daniel T. Jones (Simon & Schuster Inc. 1995)


Journals & Web Based Materials


1.      Shop Floor Control – An Integrative Framework from Static Scheduling Models towards and agile operations management, Eric Scherer (Institute for Industrial Engineering & Management BWI Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,1989 IEEE)

2.      Getting Control of Just-in-Time, Uday Karmarkar (Harvard Business Review, Sept-Oct 1989)

3.      JIT vs. MRP – Unmasking the Great Push-Pull Myth, Bob Millard (APICS March 1998 Vol8-No3.)

4.      Unifying the theory and practice of production scheduling , Kenneth Mackay (Memorial University of Newfoundland), Vincent C.S. Wiers (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)

5.      The application of computerized production control systems in job shop environments, Kenneth N. Mackay and John A Buzacott (York University, Canada)

6.      The Role of Bill of Material in Manufacturing, Rusk P.S. (Engineering Costs & Production Economics, 19(1-3):205-211, 1990 May)

7.      The design and control of Manufacturing Systems, David S. Cochran (PhD thesis Auburn University) , Auburn, Alabama August, 26 1994.

8.      Learning to See, Mike Rother, John Shook, May 1998

9.      Manufacturing Planning and Control: The Evolution of MRP JIT integreation, W.C. Benton, Hojung Shin (European Journal of Operational Research January 1998).

10.  Toyota Production System, Institute of Industrial Engineers, Monden, Y., 1983..

11.  Manufacturing System Design Decomposition, v5.1, David S. Cochran, Production System Design Laboratory, Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity, MIT , March 2000

12.  Production Management Techniques: Push-Pull classification and application conditions. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, De Toni, A., Caputo, M., Vinelli, A., 1988

13.  A modified MRP for a production system with the coexistence of MRP and Kanbans, Ding F.Y., Yuen, M. N., 1991 (Journal of Operations Management).

14.  Optimal hybrid push/pull control strategies for a parallel multistage system: Part 1, Hodgson, TJ, Wang D 1991,  (Journal of production research vol 29)

15.  An Integrated product Manufacturing Strategy, Olhager J. , Ostlund B., (European Journal of Operations Research 1990)